DisplacedGuy.Com Summary of Analytics Web Traffic
This article is a continuation of one that has become relatively popular here, I’m not sure why that particular report is more popular than the dozens of other reports but why question something that works, right?
So, this article takes the one named “Google Analytics Actuals for Nov 2010, Dec 2010 & Jan 2011” and extends the data for an additional 24 months taking it out until Oct 2012.
This report will be called Google Analytics Actuals for Nov 2010 through Oct 2012 (27 months of data). The general uptrend in traffic continued for most of the additional 24 months with a few periods of pullback. There was also a period in 2012 when I started blocking certain undesirable traffic because my hosting provider was limiting CPU and slowing the site for everyone. Even though I blocked some traffic and reduced traffic, the “money making” statistics improved (e.g. CTR, Earnings, etc.). I wrote a separate article about my traffic reduction experiment.
Actual Pageviews per quarter for displacedguy.com
- Feb 2010 through Apr 2010 had 1,074 page-views
- May 2010 through Jul 2010 had 1,889 page-views +75.88%
- Aug 2010 through Oct 2010 had 9,505 page-views +403.18%
- Nov 2010 through Jan 2011 had 10,114 page-views +6.41%
<——- The original Adsense Report ended here
- Feb 2011 through Apr 2011 had 9,629 page-views -5.01%
- May 2011 through Jul 2011 had 12,925 page-views +34.23%
- Aug 2011 through Oct 2011 had 17,140 page-views +32.61%
- Nov 2011 through Jan 2012 had 18,539 page-views +8.16%
- Feb 2012 through Apr 2012 had 17,472 page-views -5.76%
- May 2012 through Jul 2012 had 28,959 page-views +65.75%
- Aug 2012 through Oct 2012 had 33,748 page-views +16.54
- Nov 2012 through Jan 2013 had 28,257 page-views -16.27%
- Feb 2013 through Apr 2013 had 25,625 page-views -9.32%
Total Increase since the first quarter ending Apr 2010 is +2,386%
The site growth has been inspiring, sometimes it becomes very difficult to stay motivated in adding new content especially stuff like this where it takes some time to put together just one article. When seeing things like this it helps to motivate to keep the trend going the right way.
Unfortunately, earnings are not anything to brag about yet but they are becoming enough to be noticeable.
I have identified a very real correlation between earnings amount and writing articles complaining about how terrible earnings are. I think it must make some people feel bad for me and give me sympathy clicks (what is that called when you get sex for that reason? I forget, anyway I digress) and they are appreciated but I can’t recommend the idea because it goes against Adsense policies and might risk getting yours or my account shut-down which would really be a bummer after so many years of hard work, would not wish that on anyone!
Actual Google Analytics Quality Measurements
Very significant improvements between the old site layout and the new website redesign.
Pages/Visit increased moderately
The pages per visiter are running around 2.4 pages which is better than when I started and is not too bad.
Bounce Rate Improved Significantly
- Aug 2010 through Oct 2010 74.88%
- Nov 2010 through Jan 2011 60.09% -19.76%
Note: Jan 2011 saw Bounce Rate decrease to an impressive 26.91% -60.48%
Bounce Rate for the entire reporting period is now down to around 52% which is also not too bad! It indicates the articles are not too bad quality.
Analytics Adsense – Making Money
I turned off Google Ads for a while in Jan out of frustration thinking that it isn’t worth cluttering the site, but then decided to turn them back on some time in Jan 2011 but my adsense stats are so sporadic it’s hard to make heads or tails from them.
I can say earnings look more promising as traffic increases, I now need to learn how to maximize income with the visitor that I do get.
Adsense Revenue
- Aug 2010 through Oct 2010 $20.69
- Nov 2010 through Jan 2011 $11.79 (adsense was off for ~1 month) -43.02%
- Adsense Reveune went up very much in the last six months, averaging around $50 monthly. (not bad but not great either)
Adsense Actuals – PageViews by month
This shows a pretty nice growth in website popularity and number of page views, which usually correlates to more revenue and profit!
Adsense Actuals – PageViews with Earnings
This is a nice chart that shows the rapid increase in earnings correlated to the rapid increase in page views. Interestingly my page RPM fell flat but stayed respectable between $2.50 and $4.74 in the last months of the report., that also helped the earnings to rise faster.
Adsense Click Through Rates (CTR)
- Aug 2010 through Oct 2010 .42% (it’s really only .42% not 4%)
- Nov 2010 through Jan 2011 .31% -27.56%
- This report shows a CTR running 0.67% which is an improvement over the last periods but still very low!!
Adsense Actuals – Average CPC (cost per click)
The average CPC has increased nicely over the years which shows that I was able to improve ad-placement, ad-size, ad-colors and other factors that result in users clicking ads that pay a higher amount per click. This is a very important number you want to focus on.
Focus on which types of ads you let come through, filter out those that are not applicable to your site, or filter out things that might not be politically safe such as “adult” content or “gambling”, etc.
Also experiment and keep records when making ad changes
Adsense Earnings by Ad-Size
This one I didn’t have in the prior article but thought it might be useful. Generally speaking larger ads will make more money but as you can tell mine are split pretty evenly. Experiment a lot, and make sure to try Link Units which do not count against your total ads per page.
Adsense – Ads by Ad Type Earnings
This seems to indicate that text ads work the best for me which is surprising because I like the looks of the graphic ones better.
This is all for now… I will try to add more to this article if time permits!
Hope this helps.
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