DisplacedGuy – Major Improvement in Adsense Quality Statistics

This month’s statistics are the reward for all the hard work in improving the quality if articles, and revamping the site to make it less cluttered and in a two column format instead of three so that it is easier to read for mobile devices. The quality improvements were implemented based on feedback from readers in the last poll.

  • Noticeably Stronger Downtrend in Bounce Rate The bounce rate chart shows a clear improvement for the last six months which in general would indicate that the quality of articles are improving and visitors are sticking around to read more than just one article. This is one of the best parts of the report for me this month as I’ve been working at improving the quality of not only the content but of the page layout.
  • Significant Pages per Visitor Improvement is another indication that work to improve quality is working. The average page views per visitor is good indicator of content quality, any time the visitor is sticking around to read more than one article is a good sign especially considering there are many persons who bounce, not finishing the first article for whatever reasons.
  • Average Time on Site Doubled This statistic is the third “quality” measuring that showed an improvement. The average visitor is spending twice the time on-site as last month. With all three of these quality type statistics improving it’s safe to assume that the new format is better.

DisplacedGuy – Minor Decrease in Adsense Quantity Statistics

  • Page views decreased slightly, most likely impacted due to time spent revamping the site layout and less time spent creating articles. Also a focus to create fewer articles and keeping the published articles at a higher quality level. This was a necessary break, now that we have stepped the site quality up we can focus all energies on quality articles. We may see another weak month in traffic due to the holidays, time will tell.
  • Adsense Revenue is Down – Under $10 bucks again, it pays the hosting costs. If you were worried I might be making too much money blogging, you can rest easy.

Screen Prints – Google Analytics ( Page Views for All Visitors)

Slight Decrease in Pages Viewed – Source: Google Analytics

Significant Improvement in Quality Measurements

Average Time on Site Doubled – Source: Google Analytics

Lowest Bounce Rate of Period – Source: Google Analytics

Highest Average Page Views for Period – Source: Google Analytics

A statistic I haven’t shared before, but interesting. The strong search engine traffic (aka Organic Search) is a very good thing because we are not doing any advertising to improve our SERP (search engine results position) – Source: Google Analytics

For those of you thinking about monetizing your technical blogs, here is a dose of reality.

Once again our stats seem to support the general idea that technical people (e.g. IT, Programmers) are one of the worst for clicking ads. We had a decrease in Adsense revenue which corresponds to the decrease in traffic.

I guess that means readers don’t click ads to reward improved quality content. There are other monetization methods I’m using and experimenting with that I’ll report on later.

Another statistic that I don’t think I’ve posted before. You can get down to the city level to see where your visitors are coming from.

Guess who the top five cities are? I would have never guessed… London by a long-shot ! Thanks to all the readers you are all equally appreciated. Why none in Africa?


Rich (aka DisplacedGuy)

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