SEO Tips for Blogs and Websites

SEO Definition

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site or web page (such as an Orlando Information Directory) from search engines via normal (organic or algorithmic) or paid search results as opposed to other forms of search engine marketing (SEM) that involves paid inclusion.

Benefits of SEO – When Blogging for Money

To increase the chances of becoming a successful blogger we need to study and incorporate SEO (Search Engine Optimization or “Optimisation” if you will).  There are tons of benefits in learning SEO, but the high dollar benefit is when your web pages rank high in the SERPS (Serch Engine Results Page), particularly ranking in the top page. When your site ranks in the top ten for a given keyword you will get a lot more traffic to your site.  Now consider your competition who is not using SEO, they may need to spend tens, or hundreds of dollars per day or week to be on the top page for a particular keyword.  The upfront work involved with SEO is time well spent.   Your traffic is paid for in advance and future traffic is basically free!  How great is that!  If you have done paid advertising via Ad-Words then you can appreciate how great it is to land a top ranked page without paying for it!

Search Engine Optimization

The SEO Guy...

I’m going to share some basic SEO tips I’ve gathered over the last few weeks, these are the big ones in my mind where you get the best bang for the effort.  One of my sites where I’ve been incorporating SEO is moving up the SERP’s so quickly it is almost too good to be true, but I’m not complaining.  My Orlando Information Directory is what the name implies, but it is also a link submit site set up so that other site owners can submit their own links, or even write articles and post on my site.  They can promote their own website by writing an article on mine and plugging their site using keyword anchored links.

If you are looking for more back-links and you have a quality web-site then please feel free to Add a Site Link, you are doing me a favor.  So basically what I’m showing you is some simple SEO tips that will increase the number of visits to your site or blog via the search engines. Most websites and blogs are found through the search engines.

SEO Hints to make your Blog a Money Making Blog!

Search Engine Optimization Tips SEO Hints on Tags

1. Use Heading Tags  ( H1, H2, etc)
Review your title tags in all your blog articles and make sure you have applied the proper heading tags and that they contain valuable keywords that define your article.  The H1 tag is weighted heavily by search engines because it usually means more in a properly structured article.  Usually, the higher H tag numbers is, the more likely it is to define the content in that paragraph or article.  Now you have to be reasonable, you don’t want an article with all H1 tags, but you get the idea… you should try using all the H tags if possible.

2. Use Title Tags
Review your title tags on all your blog posts. Many people underestimate the power of Title Tags, but they are one of the simplest ways of improving your search engine rankings. Your title tags should have plenty of the keywords that you are aiming to rank in. You should strive for a steady increase in SERP position and eventually reaching the top part of the first page for your keywords. Your title tag should be unique amongst each page.

3.  Use Description Tags
The description tag is what the search engine users will use to decide if your web page is relevant for them. Include the keywords into your description tag.  You should also make your description unique on every page.  It is easy to forget these basic details but it is worth the effort.

Search Engine Optimization Tips SEO Hints on Links

4. Use Internal links In Article
Many times we are so focused on getting external links to our site or blog.  However, we can gain links on our own pages just by linking to internal pages.  This is a simple process that can increase your Google Page Rank and it helps your readers with navigation through your website. The internal linking helps the search engine robots in finding and indexing all your content.  It is useful to add useful links at the end of your articles, or to add paging links.

5.  Use Internal Links In Content
Apply some internal links inside your web content. This is a very powerful factor for linking inside the content. According to the search engines relevant links within content ranks higher in the order of importance.  Apply deep links into your blog content, this will allow the spiders to crawl deeper throughout your blog or website.

6. Use Anchor Text
Use keywords in your anchor text, there are many examples of poorly created hyperlinks the best example has to be “click this” which is a complete waste of a hyperlink. Good quality anchor text can increase your search engine ranking for your desired keyword.  For example a good Anchor Text for an Orlando Information Directory might be Top Rated Orlando Cosmetology Schools because it uses keywords that will improve SEO for the Orlando Directory instead of having a “Click Here” to view the Orlando Information Directory and Orlando Private Schools Guide, the words click here do nothing to help qualify the link!  I think you get the idea… I probably went a bit too far, lol.

7. Use Image Alt Tags

Always use  keywords in your ALT tags for your images, it is yet another free method of adding relevance to your article keywords.  The search engines can not read images but they can read the ALT tags.

8. Use Long tail keywords
Focus on long term keywords,  these are phrases used as keywords instead of the more broad and high competition simple keywords.  For example you may use some anchor text called Central Florida Information Directory v.s. Florida Information which is much more broad and having too much competition.

Search Engine Optimization Tips SEO Hints on Sites

9.  Use a Sitemap
Place a sitemap on your blog this will allow search engines to crawl your content properly and effectively.

10. Keep fresh content
Aim to write new content often so that Google will visit your site frequently. Google loves blogs, and really loves blogs with new content.

SEO Tips Conclusion SEO Hints – Conclusion

Utilize Tags Properly and with Keywords

Use links within your article content and at end of article.  Use good Anchor Text in Links.

Use a Sitemap and Keep Fresh Content!


The DisplacedGuy

8 Responses

  1. As a self-proclaimed SEO veteran, I can definitely see eye-to-eye on the things you’ve said. Yet, a vital point for everyone to always keep in mind is that Yahoo, Bing, Google, etc. will rank your blog, forum, or whatever on page 1 if you attain high-quality Dofollow links to your site with proper anchored text. Do that, and nothing else truly matters.

  2. Hey admin! I have a small request. I was just searching for some info on the topic you wrote and found this post. Some really cool stuff you wrote here. Can I please link to this post on my new website I am currently workin on? Please :). I will check back again later to see how you responded. Thank you, Jean Miller .

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